Event Archive

CSI hosts Deborah Paredez (Columbia University) in conversation with Diosa and Mala (Locatora Radio) about Selenidad! This event has been archived on our YouTube channel here.

Too often, candidates are photographed eating tacos or practicing their high school Spanish aspart of their staged campaign stops. This event focuses on the continuing lack of cultural and linguistically appropriate engagement by government actors to integrate and respond to the needs of non-white, non English-dominant communities. Targeted misinformation campaigns via social media channels such as What’s App and in political campaign literature reveal an uneven approach to Chicana/x and Latina/x communities.

Weaving together Indigenous D(L)akota Astronomy & NASA science this work offers insights from both world-views. 
“Etuaptumumk” as described by Mi’kmaw elders: "Two-Eyed Seeing is learning to see from one eye with the strengths of Indigenous knowledges and ways of knowing, and from the other eye with the strengths of Western knowledges and ways of knowing, and to use both these eyes for the benefit of all."  (Bartlett, Marshall and Marshall 2012, 336)

All are welcomed to hear Dr. Barbara Walker, Director of Research Development, share the essential basics of proposal writing for those in the humanities and social sciences. Early career scholars will receive a complimentary copy of Dr. Walker’s recently published co-authored book. 

Please register at: https://bit.ly/3g04jrS

CSI Advisory Committee Meeting - December 4, 2020.

Monthly meeting for the Advisory Committee

The goal of this Black student-centered Town Hall is to provide a space to discuss and analyze the ongoing persistence of black genocide and how it shapes student experiences.

CSI Interim Director Gerardo Aldana and CBSR Director Sharon Tettegah will discuss faculty research productivity at UCSB and strategies to enhance yours through campus resources.